Clare Cooke, Founder
Donkey Gloves® are designed by horticulturist and former Blue Peter Gardener, Clare Cooke.
Clare is a Kew-trained horticulturist with more than 30 years experience in the industry. She has spent her entire working life searching for the perfect glove - this is how Donkey Gloves were born.
Our ESG StrAtegy

Our gloves are made in China and do contain nylon and polyester. We are constantly trying to find manufacturers closer to home, but the decline in the UK glove making industry has meant an almost total loss of factories making gloves. Those that do exist, only work with leather.
The materials we use are designed to give the fit, feel and sensitivity characteristic of Donkey Gloves. We are researching materials such as recycled plastics and bamboo that we might be able to use in the future to reduce our carbon footprint.
HQ for Donkey Gloves® is Clare’s Farm, a privately owned animal sanctuary on Dartmoor. It is run solely by Clare and partly funded by the sale of Donkey Gloves.
Clare’s Farm is home to a menagerie of rescued animals – currently running at 40 souls, including a 21 strong herd of Dartmoor ponies, donkeys, sheep, turkeys, goats, dogs, and a large Steer called Mooney.
These have been rescued from being put down or killed for meat or skins and allowed to live a full life on the farm, and in some cases wild on Dartmoor.
Although Donkey Gloves® is a small business owned by a single individual, we do have governance structures in place to ensure the business is run in a legitimate matter.
We are not audited but book-keeping, accounts and companies house filings are managed by an external accounting firm.
We have a business partner with offices in China who monitors quality control during the manufacturing process as well as making sure that the factory itself is run in an ethical way with regard to the health and safety of employees.
Your gloves in the making